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    Instant Payout

    After a full monthly trading cycle (30 days) profits are paid out to investors on the 31st day except otherwise stated.

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    Exceptional profits

    A team of insightful traders, market analysts and makers makers with great financial acumen employed and poised to make consistent profits for you

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    Customer service

    CryptoBase Exchange strives to achieve unparalleled levels of customer service by fast response to inquiries and queries

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    Safe and Secure

    Security of user information and funds is our first priority with all the necessary anti-malware software, advanced protection technology, SSL-encryption in place to guard all the transferred data. Also is also adequately protected by the latest technology from DDoS attacks.

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    Guaranteed returns

    FST has created its own Secure Asset Fund for Users (SAFU) an emergency insurance funds to protect the interests/investment of users even in bad trading days, 10% of all our trading commission collected is allocated into the Secure Asset Fund for users guaranteeing the consistent returns of Investment proposed.

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Cryptocurrency, Explained: A Guide for Beginners

Cryptocurrencies let you buy goods and services, use apps and games or trade them for profit. Here's more about what cryptocurrency is and how it works.

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What Is a Blockchain? Definition and Examples of Blockchain Technology

Blockchain is the core technology behind Bitcoin and thousands of cryptocurrencies and has promising potential beyond digital currencies.

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5 Strategies to Position Crypto in a Down Market

Prepping your portfolio for long-term success requires looking at the big picture. When crypto is in a down market, prices might seem attractive compared with the heights from which they fell — “on sale,” you might even say. But some investors might be skeptical of buying the dip, knowing that a price bounce isn’t guaranteed. Others might be content to do nothing.

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